< Wooden scenery for pageant.
Hot and sunny morning, clouding over by mid-afternoon so cooler later. We had made an early lunch before going shopping. Zambezi arrived, winded, and moored on the quay (Michel’s péniche Henri had been moved off the quay ready for the pageant - he was now at the upstream end of the moorings, and on the bottom mostly) Shebah-Mike and Roy said Zambezi was owned by the council (department probably) and was taking kids on holiday on the canal. They said that Michel had had a big row with the French residents when he plugged Henri into the electricity supply next to them and kept cutting their power off. Mike discovered another problem with our car as we were setting off. The front left hand gaiter had a split in it and was leaking grease. Feu Vert did it again! Their grease monkeys must have caught it when they changed the shock absorbers. He cleaned up most of the mess then we went shopping in Agen Sud. The port was gradually being cut off from the “show” area, where they had erected a very large sloping bank of seating with white board panels all around it, the gate across the road through the port had a wheel on the end of it so it could be opened and closed. We went via the scenic route into Agen Sud. First to Carrefour for groceries. The place was quiet, considering they still had a 50% sale on, but most of the customers seemed to be fairly affluent looking Dutch tourists.
Next stop Casto. Bought some tubing and a can of aerosol foam to fill the deflated fender. Then Citroën. Mike went in and bought two gaiters, two different models as he wasn’t sure which ours was - bring the other one back for a refund, the guy said. When he paid for them he noticed that one was 29€ while the other was 49€, he asked why the difference in price as they were almost identical and was told it was the price from the manufacturers. He ordered a new hand-brake cable. Back via the scenic route. Shebah-Mike said the electric had been off while we were out but they’d just got it back on; he said it was probably the air-conditioning on péniches Zambezi and Henri. I put the groceries away and Mike went up into town to get the two new drive belts from the auto spares shop which he had ordered the day before. They cost 17€ each! Ouch!
Hot and sunny morning, clouding over by mid-afternoon so cooler later. We had made an early lunch before going shopping. Zambezi arrived, winded, and moored on the quay (Michel’s péniche Henri had been moved off the quay ready for the pageant - he was now at the upstream end of the moorings, and on the bottom mostly) Shebah-Mike and Roy said Zambezi was owned by the council (department probably) and was taking kids on holiday on the canal. They said that Michel had had a big row with the French residents when he plugged Henri into the electricity supply next to them and kept cutting their power off. Mike discovered another problem with our car as we were setting off. The front left hand gaiter had a split in it and was leaking grease. Feu Vert did it again! Their grease monkeys must have caught it when they changed the shock absorbers. He cleaned up most of the mess then we went shopping in Agen Sud. The port was gradually being cut off from the “show” area, where they had erected a very large sloping bank of seating with white board panels all around it, the gate across the road through the port had a wheel on the end of it so it could be opened and closed. We went via the scenic route into Agen Sud. First to Carrefour for groceries. The place was quiet, considering they still had a 50% sale on, but most of the customers seemed to be fairly affluent looking Dutch tourists.

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